Croatia is considered a very harmless sailing area for yacht sailors and occasional skippers who only charter a yacht in Croatia for 1-2 weeks of vacation every year.
On the whole, this is also correct, because moderate winds delete from the coastal mountains in the summer months and allow cozy cruises between the magical coastal towns and the sometimes rustic islands.
But both in spring and from late summer onwards, weather changes can quickly occur, and then special wind systems take effect, some of which are storm-force and whirl the anchor berths into disarray.
BORA and SCIROCCO can have dangerous effects, and here I describe how you can detect the emergence of the respective wind systems early in order to safely moor yourself, your crew and your yacht, anchor or seek refuge in a Marina or harbour.
The Bora is the cold fall wind on the Adriatic coast.
The east coast of the Croatian Adriatic is limited by high steep mountains, some of which drop almost perpendicular to the sea.
A Bora therefore leads to extreme fall gusts and strong storm peaks!
If in the north and northeast over the mountains of "cloud hats", you have to keep an eye on the weather events, because these are often warning ahead of an emerging bora.
It soon whistles in minutes of increasing strength, with the storm can last for 2-3 days. It is therefore always advisable to start a protective harbour or a marina as soon as possible when suspected of an emerging bora, and not to resort to an unsafe buoy or anchour.
On the west coast of Istria and on the coast south from Biograd to Trogir as well as in the area from Poljice to Dugi Rat and on the Montenegrin coast, the wind strengths and especially the gusts are much lower because the mountains there are further away from the land and lower . If the coastal mountains are lower than 600 m or are further than 4 km from the shore, the gusts in particular are far weaker and therefore not as dangerous.
When a northern low pressure area forms over the Adriatic coast of Croatia, Yugo occurs, which usually brings lots and lots of rain. Jugo is a typical winter wind, and blows about 1 week, sometimes only 4-5 days.
Without rain it is called "dry Jugo". He constantly strokes the coast, just refreshes it and then fades off again. A Jugo that arises is recognizable by 2-3 days in advance, increasing clouds from S.
The Maestral is a thermal wind that gently makes the summer heat more pleasant. It comes in spring and autumn, but also in midsummer. It gently strokes the water from 9 or 10 o'clock in the morning, then slowly increases, making wonderful "coffee sailing" possible without stress, and calms down just in time for the mooring maneuver in the late afternoon, often stopping suddenly.
It is a cool daytime wind that blows down from the mountains, can be moderate to medium and is usually accompanied by fine weather.
The levanate is moderate, rarely strong but brings clouds and rain.
It is a warm and humid southerly wind, but it can be very strong.
Loštrin is called the light Oštro, on the other hand, the strong-windy Loštracina.
When the Jugo subsides, dry and warm air from the southwest follows. It is short, but can blow quite violently; as a strong wind it is called Lebićada. The Lebic can cause cross lakes in flat waters, and floods also occur in the bays and ports open to SW.
In order to be prepared for the coming wind situation, you should not miss watching the local news in the evening or asking locals, even in summer.
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