Lionfish - a dangerous fish in the Med!

 Lionfish Pterois

here is the information and warning of the greek Port Police from Kos island from June 2019 already about a new invading species of fish to the med, but the population is dtill increasing in the east mediterranean sea :


1. According to information received to our Service, it was caught lionfish of the photo below in the sea area of ​​Ayios Phokas Kos ( Aghios Fokas which is in the eastern corner of Kos island, well known for a nice beach and bar, some Hotels and especially for the hot spring Therma)

Lionfish - a beautiful but dangerous fish in Greece

2. In that regard, that fact, although isolated up to now, marks the the arrival of this species in the maritime regions of the island of Kos and is part of the fast growing species, as a female can in one year produce two millions of eggs in repeated births, every four days.

3. We therefore draw your attention, as its large fins have it one of the most powerful poisons in nature, which can even cause it death.

Like the related scorpions, it lives mainly in rocky seabasses, in relatively shallow water up to 60 meters, but usually from 3 to 20 meters. If one gets stuck, he should immediately go to a doctor, because he may have a severe allergic reaction. Its size ranges from 15 to 35 cm and belongs to the same family
"Scorpions", appearing in the water as the following photographic material:

5. Should the above mentioned species be re-identified, please inform the Harbor Authority Kos.

From the Port Authority

The Port Authority of Kos is located in the old harbour and open 24 hrs a day

But don´t worry, if you care whilst snorcheling, don´t touch it, there is no reason to be afraid of it!  If seen, inform the next Port Police station, so they may send experienced divers to locate end eliminate this dangerous fish population there.

here National Geographic report from Florida, but the lionfish invades Mediterranean as well

See a video about catching lionfish and kitchen use  

This information is brought to you from YACHTANGO CHARTERPARTNER AGENCY

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Since more than 30 years I am sailing on my own boat in the east med and sailed more than 25.000 nm.


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